Friday, April 29, 2011

10 Sentences.

1.I came to the US when I was 16 years old.
2. I am doing homework while Kathryn is talking to Peter.
3.Whenever you fall, I will be there with you.
4.Even though my classmates can quick class early, I have to do the homework in the lab.
5.Wherever I go, my mother always supports me.
6.I have to done this homework as soon as possible.
7.If I were Bill Gate, I would quick study and enjoy life.
8.The homework is so easy that I could have done it in 5 minutes.
9.I did not do the homework until I got to the lab.
10.Although I really love lab activities, I have to go home soon because today is my friend's birthday.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My sister

If you see my sister, you might think that you have seen somebody like her but not remember who you are thinking about. Yep, I have a twin sister whom I live with in the US. She is studying in Seattle Central community College. She total girl like girl, such as: she has long brown hair; her face is cute and attracted.She loves to wear high heels with skirt and t-shirt. She is an open mind girl and really friendly. She is kind of serious and work hard student. As you see,we are not very similar, but it is obvious as soon as you see her that we are related.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My last Saturday

Last Saturday, I was too tired because I had a cold. It's too boring to live alone at home, but it's ok because I had some days to relax. First, I slept to 12:00 Pm and had a lunch with rice soup mix vegetable. Because I had a cold, then I did not do any house work for the weekend. Then I went to bed, searching for the homework and doing it. After that, I kept sleeping to 9p.m. Next, I had a dinner and watched film. Finally, I went to sleep at 12:00 am and finish the Saturday.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

About Valentine's day

I love the Valentine Day cause it's for everybody. We can share chocolates for everyone and make some romantic actions to our valentine. If I were alone, I would be go and looking around the town. There are alot of actives for us to do, just join in and have fun with people. We can also celeberate or cenemonies for our relationships. We can talk inside out to our valentines.It's a good thing that we have that special day that made life more colorful.
Addition, whenever Valentine coming, I'll have a lot of chocolates from my sister, my friends, and my valentine. I love chocolate like I love Valentine.kkkkkkkkkkk

Friday, April 8, 2011

My country writing style !!

My country writing style is different from Americans. The first difference is the way we write. We always write things around the topic, but don't write out the topic or show there is the topic cause we want the reader feel the soul of the story we write. For example: English student writes about the beautiful girl then he could write: "She is a beautiful girl", but with our style of writing, we would write : "Although people say that: " Good wood better than good paint" but nowadays, good looking was paid more attentions. Then the beautiful person will have more opportunity. Yes, she is so lucky". The second things is about idea. We could put many addition ideas to make the essay more flexible and more emotion whether it's a contract essay, but we could use the comparison in this essay. We could put some small ideas to one paragraph if we don't have any supporting details to write for those ideas. On the other hand, American writing style doesn't want to mix two or more different things or ideas on one essay or paragraph cause reader could not understand what the writer's talking about. Finally,when I lived in Vietnam, I used to studied the way to write for Vietnam student. After that, I have come to the US and studied the way to write of American student. I feel that each education has its special good and interesting thing but they are not similar.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello South Seattle guys !!

Hi everyone, I'm Kasn. I am your writing lv4 classmate at SSCC. I'm from Hue, Vietnam. Before studying here, I had studied at SCCC. This is the first quarter of me in the SSCC. I think its pretty good. Glag to be your classmate in Kathryn class.